Tuesday, September 05, 2006


I've done a lot of prep work over the past 12 months and I'd like to keep track of my efforts as well as set the ground work for many of the decisions I've made artistically and technically.

A year ago I pitched a rambling, involved, multi-layered story to a teacher who told me it was "all too much". From that moment on, I've been paring down my characters and storyline to a manageable size. Two things that remain true to my first story are the setting, a garden with a birdbath and a minor character that has been promoted to major character - my flamingo "Rosa". While I'm sure my story might evolve over the production process, I've narrowed my focus quite a bit. Hopefully this will mean fewer changes over the next semester.

Meanwhile, academically, my summer was busy with 2 CADA classes: Animation 1 and Character Construction (rigging) with Danny Williams, the SIGGRAPH Conference in Boston, an all day AutoDesk Masterclass on rigging with Jason Schleiffer (LOTR, Gollum, Madagascar), and a 3 day "Academy" at Little Airplane Productions in downtown Manhattan.

I don't want to pursue rigging as a profession, but I do want to be able to rig my own relatively simple characters. Rosa's distinguishing feature is her long, flexible neck that will be a stretchy IK spline. Her legs will be a simple IK chain and her webbed feet will be set up similar to a hand and foot - open and close, cup, rotate and roll. Her wings will be set up very similar to a simple IK/FK switching arm that ends in 3 "fingers". These will be skinned to a wing with three large flight feathers. The wings will be used for some gestures but will not be a substitute for hands. Face will be animated through blend shapes.

The main focus of my project will be animation so I really want to set everything up this semester so it all WORKS and I can spend next semester bringing it to life. I really need to hone my skills and take my time. Lots and lots of story boards and tests.

I'll be using Maya and ZBrush to create and texture my characters and the environment. I'm not aiming for anything photorealistic but hope to achieve a cross between to "The Corpse Bride" and Beatrix Potter - with a dash of art deco.

At the Little Airplane Academy, (an amazing 3 days!), we went over script writing, directing, producing, pitching to networks, test groups, curriculum, and spoke with child psychologists, character developers, a composer, and a lawyer covering intellectual property. I would like to venture into this area of animation, preschool TV, and will gear my thesis project toward that goal. Educational but fun with a fresh look.

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